10 Guarantees for Solano County

The East Solano Homes, Jobs, and Clean Energy Initiative includes an unprecedented set of 10 Guarantees. These 10 Guarantees are legally binding – Solano County is not allowed to issue any building permits unless California Forever complies with all 10 Guarantees (learn more).

#1 Solano Jobs Guarantee

We will bring 15,000 new jobs to the community that pay at least 125% of the average wage in Solano County. 

The community won't be able to grow beyond 50,000 residents until we've fulfilled that commitment.

#2 Solano Homes for All

We will provide $400 million in community benefits funding to help Solano County residents buy homes in the new community, and to build subsidized affordable housing.

For example, if $300 million is allocated to downpayment assistance (and the remaining $100 million for affordable housing), that $300 million would help 6,000 Solano families with $50,000 each.

#3 Solano Scholarships

To ensure Solano County residents can take advantage of new jobs created by the new community, we will provide $70 million in community benefits funding to help Solano residents pay for college, vocational training, or to start or expand a small business.

#4 Green Solano

We are providing $30 million in community benefits funding for protecting open space and natural habitats, improving public parks and trails, and supporting Solano's agriculture economy, including family farms and agricultural workers. 

We are excited to work with the Solano community to help identify priorities for this funding, to nurture our county's strong connection to its lands.

Serene open space to expand & preserve.

#5 Solano Downtowns

In addition to the $500 million in community benefit funding, we'll guarantee to invest $200 million in renovating or building homes, offices, shops, and other mixed-use buildings in downtown areas of Benicia, Dixon, Fairfield, Rio Vista, Suisun City, Vacaville, and Vallejo. 

Through this guarantee, we'll become a part of invigorating buildings & businesses in the many wonderful downtowns of Solano cities. 

#6 Smart Growth Guarantee

Our initial commitments are to provide $500 million in community benefits funding and $200 million for investments in Solano Downtowns over the build out towards 50,000 residents. 

But our commitment to Solano does not end there. If the new community grows beyond 50,000 residents, all of these financial commitments will continue to scale up in proportion to the growth of the new community. We are excited to grow with Solano, and be a good neighbor for generations to come.

#7 Water Guarantee

Before the first brick is laid, we guarantee to prove water availability through the highly regulated, state-mandated process of Water Supply Assessment and Water Supply Verification. 

This process is regulated by the state, and requires us to prove that we have actual water we can deliver to households and employers in the new community, for many decades going forward, including during drought periods.

#8 Transportation Guarantee

We'll provide right of way for upgrades to Highways 12 and 113, including the Rio Vista and Dixon bypass, and pay more than the new community's proportionate share of cost to do those upgrades.

#9 Schools Guarantee

We guarantee that we won't just pay developer impact fees that leave school districts in a tough place, with new students overcrowding facilities. Instead, we commit to build 100% of new schools, in the new community, from day one. 

The new community will still remain in the existing school districts – we just guarantee that we will build new schools by the time the first children move in.

Kids playing in a schoolyard.

#10 Solano Taxpayer Guarantee

The new community will pay its own way through the tax revenue it generates. We commit that the infrastructure, public facilities, and services required to serve the new community will be constructed and operated at no cost to Solano taxpayers, except for those who live in the new community. This guarantee is built into the initiative in multiple places, and as with all of the ten voter guarantees, it is legally binding.