I look forward to extending my small business to this new walkable community!

Village 360 and Back Road Vines
Suisun City, CA

Excited to see the impact that the new investment from this initiative will have on small businesses like mine and the residents of Solano County. This infusion of resources holds the promise of fostering growth, prosperity, and a stronger sense of community within our region.

Star Pizza
Suisun City, CA

As a family business, we would like to see more affordable housing opportunities in our area. California Forever will provide 400 million dollars in down payment assistance for future families who want to purchase a home.

Broadway Screen Printing and Embroidery
Suisun City, CA

Our city stands to benefit greatly from additional funding dedicated to the renovation efforts for numerous business plazas within our community. This initiative holds the potential to allocate $200 million specifically for this purpose!

Pho Saigon #1 Vietnamese Restaurant
Fairfield, CA

Our business supports this project and recognizes the substantial financial benefits it can bring to both our business and the broader community.

International Market
Fairfield, CA

We can use more funding to uplift our community. Additional housing, good paying jobs, investment in education and the business community all sound very attractive!

Hernandez Meat Market
Fairfield, CA

We need more affordable housing and business investment in our community, California Forever will help with that!

Insurance On the Go
Fairfield, CA

As a small business, this strategic initiative is crafted to secure $200 million in funding for the cultivation of essential commercial shops in our downtown community. This effort aims to bolster foot traffic and customer engagement, thereby fostering advantageous outcomes for all small businesses within our community!

Taqueria Fran
Dixon, CA

I'm excited about this project's intention to uplift small businesses like mine.

Overflow Nutrition
Vallejo, CA
Juice and Smoothie Bar

I appreciate how this project will have a positive ripple effect on businesses in neighboring cities by securing funds that directly benefit small businesses like ours. It's a fantastic opportunity to foster growth and collaboration across our communities.

Jamrock Island Cuisine
Vacaville, CA

I would like to see more customer traffic to improve business. More development helps improve the quality of life for folks. I support California Forever because it provides much-needed housing in our county. The fact that this initiative will help families purchase their first homes is a plus!

Rose Garden
Vacaville, CA

Bank of Hype Supports California Forever and their dedication to small businesses like ours.

Bank of Hype
Fairfield, CA

I support California Forever because of the opportunities it will bring to small businesses like mine. I am excited about the possibility to expand and reach more people.

Detailed by Mia
Vacaville, CA

Small businesses are a community asset. By bringing in a new city it will create a mutually beneficial relationship between local businesses and the community itself.

5 Counties Mobile Notary
Solano County
Mobile Notary

En California, la demanda de vivienda asequible es urgente. Me complace escuchar sobre la planificación cuidadosa en marcha para no solo abordar esta necesidad en nuestra región, sino también para llevar inversiones a otras ciudades en el condado de Solano, ofreciendo beneficios para todos nosotros.

Ensenada Cuisine Restaurant
Benicia, CA

This project looks like a great long-term investment for our community. I support California Forever.

One Stop Liquor and Food
Benicia, CA
Food Market

The promises of a new grocery center in our city have been ongoing, but it's yet to materialize. I'm hopeful that the funds from the $200 million investment will finally bring something like that to our community.

Benicia Cleaners
Benicia, CA

California Forever is committed to enhancing our city's downtown by allocating $200 million for renovations. Increased investment in our downtown areas is crucial! Furthermore, I appreciate the allocation of $70 million towards education, aimed at providing our youth with opportunities for secure, well-paying jobs.

Jackie’s Eye Candy
Fairfield, CA

Podemos beneficiarnos de más inversiones financieras en nuestro centro. Espero ver el impacto positivo que California Forever tendrá en nuestra comunidad.

Taqueria Alejandro’s
Fairfield, CA

It's reassuring to see proposed investments in our community that will benefit future generations with increased housing, green spaces, and well-paying job opportunities.

Treasures Thrift Store
Fairfield, CA

California Forever is a win for residents of Solano County. I appreciate how this project makes financial investments in our downtown communities. The creation of well-paying jobs by this project will also provide our region with a much-needed financial boost.

Lucky Jelly Donuts
Fairfield, CA

We can use more customer foot traffic. As a business who will be located just a few miles away from CA Forever, I look forward to opening my business doors to new customers from that community.

My Happy Place
Fairfield, CA

We here at It's All Good Catering support CA Forever, because it's all good.

It's All Good Catering
Fairfield, CA
Catering Service

I support more investment in our community. A 200-million-dollar investment in Solano County communities will benefit all residents.

Uptown Barbershop
Fairfield, CA

By actively supporting initiatives that foster economic growth and community development, we are committed to contributing to a thriving local economy and enhancing the well-being of our residents.

J & C Beauty Supply
Fairfield, CA
Beauty Supply Store

Keeping our identity is important and I'm glad this project will help with that by providing funding to community improvements and provide housing and educational opportunities for residents here in Solano County.

Carniceria Lupita
Dixon, CA

We look forward to contributing to the growth of the new community.

Signed By Sacks
Vacaville, CA

I believe that the vision of the East Solano Homes, Jobs, and Clean Energy Initiative will contribute to the restructuring and innovation of Solano County. By creating local jobs that pay enough to allow residents to work in their own county, it will help the environment and reduce highway 80 congestion.

Wright's Delights
Fairfield, CA

I've been in the real estate industry for 22 years and I still strive for excellence when it comes to helping families acquire homeownership! Unfortunately, there has been low inventory and higher home prices that the "Dream" of owning a home for some, is just that, a dream! That's why my family and I are voting yes on the California Forever Initiative! We look forward to all of the positive changes this brings!

Brown Brothers Realty
Fairfield, CA

This project means more tax revenue generation for the City of Fairfield and Solano County.

Quality Inn
Fairfield, CA

Rella Aesthetics is thrilled to announce our support for the East Solano Homes, Jobs, and Clean Energy Initiative. Our commitment to prioritizing environmental health in our clinics' practice aligns perfectly with California Forever’s goals. We are eager to contribute to a greener, more sustainable California. Together we can make a significant impact in our future communities. We're excited to see the development with California Forever!

Rella Aesthetics
Vacaville, CA

Our business will benefit from construction workers looking for accommodations and additional revenue for all our industry.

Comfort Inn Hotel
Fairfield, CA

The fact that the East Solano Plan takes into consideration other communities in the county by providing much needed funding for investing in our downtowns and small businesses is great!

Mail N More
Benicia, CA

This initiative is crucial for the future well-being of our region. Our youth deserve the opportunity to afford living in the communities they grew up in. California Forever will ensure future generations have access to housing and good-paying jobs.

Benicia Boxing and Martial Arts
Benicia, CA

Increased housing options and well-paying job opportunities are essential for fostering a thriving business environment in Solano County. The addition of a neighboring city means that businesses across the region stand to gain from the influx of new customers. More foot traffic benefits all businesses!

La Placita Meat Market
Vacaville, CA

$400 million in housing aid will ensure that future local business leaders can continue to call Solano County home, enabling them to stay and contribute to the growth of their own businesses here in Solano.

Cinthya's Salon
Vacaville, CA

We support the East Solano Plan and the 200-million-dollar investment they’re making for the Solano business community.

Good Guys Tires and Auto
Vacaville, CA

Como un pequeño negocio familiar en Vacaville, las oportunidades que el Plan Este de Solano trae a la región significan que el futuro de nuestro negocio está lleno de optimismo, especialmente considerando el aumento del gente que va estar caminando por las àreas del centro.

Paleteria La Guadalajara
Vacaville, Ca

Esta parece ser una comunidad hermosa. Estoy emocionado de ver todas las oportunidades que surgirán de esto para nuestros negocios locales.

Carniceria La Reyna
Vacaville, CA

Excited to see this project come to fruition. The East Solano Plan, the first of its kind in the state, is set to significantly bolster the local economy. This proposed community will not be too far from Vacaville and will create numerous good paying job opportunities, providing a substantial boost to the county’s economic landscape. The influx of new jobs will empower employees to spend their earnings within our community, fostering growth and prosperity for local businesses.

Chef Chen’s Chinese Restaurant
Vacaville, CA

California is struggling. I don’t see how the East Solano Project will do anything but benefit the county financially in the long run.

Vallejo Pizza
Vallejo, CA

Es genial ver que esta iniciativa también esté pensando en el crecimiento futuro y el bienestar de las ciudades vecinas. Nuestra ciudad de Vallejo, en particular, puede beneficiarse de parte de los 200 millones de dólares asignados para mejorar la infraestructura local. Estos fondos pueden ayudar a hacer de Vallejo un lugar más atractivo para los residentes y visitantes, fomentando el desarrollo económico y mejorando la calidad de vida para todos en nuestra comunidad.

Javie’s Cakes
Vallejo, CA

The East Solano Plan will benefit Solano County economically greatly! I Look forward to seeing how the 200 million dollar investment is going to help communities throughout the county.

Tasty Donuts
Vallejo, CA
Food Establishment

El condado de Solano necesita más viviendas asequibles. Ampliar la disponibilidad de viviendas será un impulso significativo para nuestra economía local. Este aumento atraerá a más residentes, creando así más clientes para los negocios en las ciudades circundantes. El crecimiento económico resultante beneficiará a toda la comunidad.

Patty Salón & Regalitos llc
Vallejo, CA
Beauty Salon

I support California Forever. I think it’s great and will benefit a lot of small businesses like mine.

Joe the Barber
Vallejo, CA
Barber Shop

California está enfrentando desafíos significativos en este momento. El Proyecto East Solano proporcionará beneficios financieros sustanciales al condado a largo plazo. La construcción de nuevas viviendas, centros comerciales y la creación de empleos asociados con esta iniciativa estimularán el crecimiento económico y mejorarán el bienestar general de nuestras comunidades. Este proyecto tiene un gran potencial para transformar positivamente el panorama económico del condado de Solano.

D Y G Registration Services
Vallejo, CA
Registration Service

He visto una disminución en las ventas recientemente. Nuestra ciudad necesita revitalización urgentemente y creo que un proyecto como este puede proporcionar la ayuda que tanto se necesita.

Tu Bienestar
Vallejo, CA
Vitamins and Supplement Store

Los impuestos generados por la nueva comunidad también impulsarán a las ciudades de todo el condado ¡Es fenomenal! El Plan East Solano no solo considera a otras comunidades del condado, sino que también brinda los fondos necesarios para potenciar el crecimiento de nuestros centros urbanos y respaldar el florecimiento de nuestras pequeñas empresas. ¡Es un impulso emocionante para el desarrollo económico y la vitalidad de nuestra región!

Divas Salon De Belleza
Vallejo, CA
Beauty Salon

A new community in Solano County stands to significantly enhance our regional economy. With a pressing demand for increased housing options, higher-paying employment opportunities, ample open spaces for families, and engaging recreational destinations, this initiative promises to address these needs. Moreover, the development will generate funds that can be invested in the growth of other cities within Solano County.

Bere's Bridal Tuxedo & Formal Wear
Vallejo, CA
Bridal Shop

Our county needs to invest more in small businesses, the East Solano Plan will do just that.

Linda Patria
Vallejo, CA

The East Solano Plan's guarantee to invest $200 million in existing Solano downtowns will go a long way in supporting small businesses like mine.

Barber Parlour
Benicia, CA

I look forward to seeing all the great financial benefits the East Solano Plan will bring to the businesses throughout county.

Precision Plus Heating and Air
Vacaville, CA

We support the East Solano Plan and the 200-million-dollar investment for the Solano business community.

Fairfield, CA
Web Development

Solano County can use more open space likes parks trails and natural habits; more space for where residents can go play and enjoy nature. The East Solano Plan will invest 30 million dollars in areas dedicated to just that.

Eyebrow Shape
Fairfield, CA
Beauty Salon

I am fully supportive of the East Solano Plan. This project is good for future generations and our region as a whole with investments in new, safe walkable affordable housing, good-paying jobs, attractive new businesses, entertainment centers, and new open spaces for all.

In His Image Barbershop
Fairfield, CA

As a new business in Fairfield, I believe the East Solano Plan will bring great economic benefits to the region. Not only are they building new homes but they are making sure they also invest in the creation of good paying jobs, something that will eventually trickle down to small mom and pop businesses.

La Mexicana Tortilleria
Fairfield, CA

Excited to see the effects that the $200 million investment in Solano County cities will have on the local business landscape. This substantial influx of funds has the potential to stimulate economic growth, foster innovation, and create new opportunities for entrepreneurs and businesses like mine. It will be exciting to observe how this investment enhances infrastructure, attracts new ventures, and ultimately benefits the entire community.

Hella Good Protein
Fairfield, CA

A new community in Solano makes sense, especially given California's housing shortages and lack of well-paying jobs. This initiative addresses these issues, providing more housing and good paying job opportunities. By investing in this initiative, we are ensuring a prosperous future for our youth and region by offering stability and resources for future generations to thrive.

Evelyn’s Big Italian Pizzeria & Ristorante
Fairfield, CA

The East Solano Plan will be great for business. Hoping some of the new residence from the new community will make their way to the small mom and pop businesses in other downtowns throughout the county.

Ryan’s Café
Fairfield, CA

Establecer una nueva comunidad en Solano ayudara con los problemas de vivienda y empleo en California. Este proyecto aborda esas preocupaciones ofreciendo más viviendas y mejores oportunidades laborales. Invertir en este plan significa que estamos brindando a nuestros jóvenes y nuestra región una mejor oportunidad de éxito en el futuro.

Rinconcito Salvadoreño
Vallejo, CA

California faces a housing shortage crisis. This strategy not only tackles housing issues but also prioritizes investments in other areas essential for the economic well-being of Solano County.

Viet Pho Restaurant
Vallejo, CA

Estoy completamente a favor del Plan Este de Solano. Es un cambio de juego para las futuras generaciones y nuestra región en general. Con su énfasis en viviendas nuevas, seguras, accesibles para peatones y asequibles, oportunidades laborales, negocios vibrantes y lugares de entretenimiento, y amplias áreas verdes accesibles para todos, es una situación beneficiosa para todos los involucrados.

Epale Taqueria & Seafood
Vallejo, CA

The East Solano Plan is going to be a good thing for Solano County.

M & M Liquor
Vallejo, CA
Food Establishment

Solano County is poised to reap significant benefits from the 10 guarantees proposed by the East Solano Plan. This initiative promises a range of advantages, including more affordable housing, increased financial investments in neighboring cities, enhanced educational opportunities, job creation, and expanded open spaces for families. It’s a comprehensive plan that offers something for everyone.

Faith Food Friday
Vallejo, CA
Food Distribution

Vallejo Tire and Wheels, Auto Repair (Vallejo): We are excited to see this project take shape. Residents in Solano really need the support for affordable housing.

Vallejo Tire and Wheels
Vallejo, CA
Auto Repair

We are thrilled about the $200 million investment in our downtown. This significant funding is set to bring numerous opportunities to our city, and we can’t wait to see the positive impact it will have on our community. The East Solano Plan is crucial for growth and development in our county.

House of Souls
Vallejo, CA

Ascetically, the East Solano plan renderings look very nice. This new community will fit in perfectly with the rest of the cities here in the county.

The Pack Gift Shop and Tobacco
Vallejo, CA
Food Establishment

A new community can actually help nearby cities too. As more people move in, they spend money at businesses not just in their own community but also in the surrounding areas. This boosts the local economy all around, making things busier and better for everyone nearby.

Whip It Up Barbershop
Vallejo, CA

Great initiative! It's fantastic that the East Solano plan is not only investing in our community but also supporting education. With $70 million allocated for vocational training and scholarships, residents have a wonderful opportunity to pursue college education and vocational skills.

Your Natural Beauty Hair Salon
Vallejo, CA
Beauty Salon

The creation of 15,000 new well-paying jobs translates to an additional 15,000 individuals contributing to the local economy by supporting local businesses with their spending.

Sunshine Smoothies and Coffee
Vallejo, CA

Preserving the natural beauty and accessibility of our county's natural spaces is crucial. I'm pleased to see that funding is being allocated to ensure these green areas remain accessible to all county residents.

Bay Hibachi Express
Vallejo, CA

Solano County needs more affordable housing and jobs. The East Solano Plan can be the economic engine that will create the housing and the jobs that Solano County needs. Big ideas result in big positive changes. This is why Global Office supports the East Solano Plan

Global Office
Vallejo, CA

I support the East Solano Plan because it will ensure more affordable housing options for residents in our community, providing crucial down payment assistance and easy paths to homeownership.

Botanas La Crudas
Vallejo, CA

The East Solano Plan ensures our community can thrive with $70 million for college, vocational training, and help with starting or expanding a small business. This plan will not only help the housing crisis, it also invests in Solano County residents.

Bula Pies Fiji
Vallejo, CA

I am excited that the East Solano Plan is investing in existing cities. 200 million will help out a lot, and that’s just the first phase!

Guanajuato Market
Vallejo, CA
Grocery Store

We need more than just houses to support this county. The East Solano Plan is bringing housing plus jobs and amenities, which is why I'm a yes.

El Barbas Restaurant and Bar
Vallejo, CA

I support the East Solano Plan because it will boost the local economy by creating new jobs and business opportunities.

A Bar B Insurance Agency
Vallejo, CA
Registration Service

After extensive research and careful consideration of the potential impacts of the organization California Forever, I am convinced that it could bring significant benefits to our county, especially for small businesses. California Forever has the capacity to energize local economies, foster entrepreneurship, and create a more vibrant community. Its initiatives could provide the kind of support and opportunities that small businesses need to thrive and grow.

LD Event Management
Rio Vista, CA
Event Management

This really is a complete community! I think it's great that when families move in their kids will be able to go to school where they live.

Cakes by Karl
Vallejo, CA

I am looking forward to new housing opportunities. It is very expensive in Solano County and the East Solano Plan will help cut costs.

Baba Joe Pizza and Tandoori
Vallejo, CA

The East Solano Plan will bring significant investment to our county, benefiting all residents, including small businesses. Happy to support!

Vallejo Express
Vallejo, CA

As a local plumbing company, Staches Plumbing knows the challenges of finding employment and employees. Projects such as California Forever are a huge step in the right direction for Solano County. Many skilled trade jobs that are vital to our economy will be created. Staches Plumbing knows it will bring the younger generations into the skilled trade positions seeing them through apprenticeship to a journeyman level. This kind of project can change many lives and give a good life to many of...

Staches Plumbing
Vacaville, CA

The East Solano Plan looks like a wonderful project for Solano County. We can definitely use more housing around this area to help future generations stay closer to home.

Repair All
Vallejo, CA
Phone Repair

California needs more investment in new housing and the East Solano plans will bring that and more! This initiative ensures that all residents of the county benefit from this it by investing also in the education of residents, new open spaces, and downtown areas of neighboring cities.

Nail Design Studio
Vallejo, CA

This new community has the potential to bring financial benefits to other mom and pop businesses throughout Solano County. The East Solano Plan is a great investment for the future economy of our region.

Exclusive Cut Vallejo
Vallejo, CA