The East Solano plan would create 15,000 local jobs that pay over $88,000/year

Every Solano family should have the chance to achieve the California Dream. This means having access to rewarding jobs right here in Solano County. Too many of us spend hours every day in super commutes to the Bay Area or Sacramento, time that could be better spent with our families.

If approved, the East Solano Plan would create over 15,000 well-paid jobs in Solano County in the next decade by bringing new employers here, directly creating hundreds of jobs in our solar energy business, and creating opportunities for local small businesses to expand.

To bring major employers and solar jobs to Solano County, vote YES on the East Solano Plan.

New major employers

Twelve employers have committed: “If Solano County voters approve the project this November, we would be interested in bringing jobs to the new community and finding other opportunities to work together to expand the California Dream."

Learn more about these employers:

Creating 1,300+ full-time jobs in solar energy

The East Solano Plan includes approvals for building the largest solar farm in California. The solar farm would take 10 years to build out, and the build out would create 1,383 full-time jobs during that entire period. This would make the solar project the largest private employer in Solano County, with the exception of healthcare and Six Flags. Once fully constructed, the facility would require 295 full-time employees for operations and maintenance here in Solano County. 

Of these 1,383 new jobs, 1,043 would be in construction and related trades (the rest would be in other industries like services, retail, etc). Here is the breakdown of the construction jobs that are expected to be created:

To read the full economic impact report on our solar energy business, please click here.