
We are committed to six principles about what to build, and what to protect.

Create good paying local jobs, and paths to get those jobs, for Solano’s residents

This project can bring new employers to Solano, and independently create thousands of permanent, good-paying local jobs in construction, energy, services, and other industries. We are also interested in building trade schools and other educational paths that help Solano residents learn the skills they need to get those new jobs and build long-lasting careers

An illustration of construction workers working on the roof of a building

Build walkable neighborhoods and new paths to homeownership

Our goal is to build homes of different sizes and price points integrated in the same walkable neighborhoods, with homes, shopping, dining, and schools all within walking distance. We are also interested in exploring new paths to homeownership for Solano residents through down-payment assistance programs and other solutions.

An illustration of a busy community centre with lots of crowd

Create new county tax revenue to help address crime, mental health, and homelessness

This project would generate tens of millions of dollars in new county tax revenue which could be used to help fund county services that address the big issues facing Solano County – crime, mental health, and homelessness. The county currently funds most of these programs not just in the unincorporated county areas, but also in Solano's seven cities, so this additional funding would benefit every city in Solano County.

Protect Solano’s open space and prime agricultural lands

Solano County has a long history of city-centered growth. We believe building a compact community away from prime agricultural lands, surrounded by open space, is the best way to achieve that objective. Many nearby landowners are committed to agriculture, and have told us they do not want to sell or develop their properties. Their properties will, along with some of our properties, form this agricultural green belt around the new community.

An illustration of two bikers on a dirt road

Help solve regional infrastructure needs, including energy, transportation, water, and wildfire protection

Eastern Solano benefits from existing transmission lines that could make it possible to build a large solar farm that creates hundreds of jobs and accelerates California’s transition to clean energy. Improvements to Highway 12 could make it safer and less congested. Solano's water infrastructure needs capital improvements. The local rural fire districts need more money to keep communities safe from wildfires. We cannot solve any of these issues on our own, but we want to be part of larger regional solutions.

An illustration of tram along the road with people